The Ibero-American Culture Festival begins.

The Ibero-American Culture Festival begins.

HOLGUIN, Cuba. – Participants from a score of countries concur from today, in the eastern city of Holguín, to the Ibero-American Culture Festival, to discuss the impact of creative industries on local development.

The opening gala will be tonight at the Suñol Theater, with an international cast under the artistic direction of filmmaker Isabel Garcia Granados, cultural promoter and professor at the University of Arts.

The first day, known as the Feast of Seeds according to the tradition of the meeting, includes courses, panels and lectures in academic centers, as well as master classes by invited artists, film presentations and exhibitions.

On Wednesday, the Ibero-American Congress of Thought receives the President of the Provincial Assembly of the People’s Power, Julio Cesar Estupiñan, for a lecture on local development in Holguin.