Photo: MINREX.

Photo: MINREX.

GENEVA, Switzerland.- Cuba rejected at the headquarters of the United Nations Organization in Geneva the politicization of the human rights issue, as well as manipulation, double standards and selectivity in its treatment, diplomatic sources reported.

When intervening at the 38th regular session of the Human Rights Council, the Ambassador of the Caribbean nation, Pedro Luis Pedroso, regretted that dialogue and cooperation have been shelved and that confrontation, politicization, selectivity and double standards have been privileged.

The diplomat denounced the continued use of this debate for powerful countries to criticize countries in the South, omitting their own and serious human rights violations.

There is no mention of the increase of xenophobia, racism and intolerance at the level of concern in those countries which refuse to recognize the right to development as a basic human right, Pedroso deplored.