Miguel Díaz-Canel during the celebration of the Sandinista Revolution.
Managua, Nicaragua. – The first Vice-President of the Councils of State and ministers of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel, highlighted this Wednesday Nicaragua´s achievement during the celebration of the 38th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution.
Indisputable are its successes in the political, economic and social events, Diaz-Canel emphasized when intervening in the commemorative ceremony of the date evoking the overthrow of Somoza´s dictatorship in the Central American nation.
Diaz-Canel also stressed that Managua lived through intense days of commitment and reaffirmation in hosting the twenty-third meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, whose final declaration renewed the votes of the Latin American left against neoliberalism.
In this sense, he denounced the aggression suffered by Venezuela and reiterated Cuba’s unconditional support to its people and President Nicolas Maduro government.
Speech by Miguel Diaz-Canel during Ceremony in Nicaragua
Comrade Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, President of the Republic of Nicaragua; Comrade Rosario Murillo; Comrade Evo Morales Ayma, President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia; Comrade Salvador Sanchez Ceren, President of the Republic of El Salvador; fellow participants in the Sao Paulo Forum; fraternal Nicaraguan People:
Upon arriving at the 38th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, receive the congratulations of the Cuban people and government and the embrace of the President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, Army General Raul Castro Ruz.
The Nicaraguan revolution, which as Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro pointed out on July 26, 1979, stood out for its heroism, for its perseverance and for the tenacity of its combatants; today, it continues to be an example to the peoples of our America.
When we see so much youth, so many faces of joy and hope in this crowd, it is a sign of victory, it is a sign that the blood shed was not in vain. It is a sign that the example of General of Free Men Augusto Cesar Sandino, of Commander Carlos Fonseca Amador and all the martyrs who fell along the epic against the imperialist domination is alive, in defense of the independence and sovereignty of Nicaragua.
The Sandinista Revolution continues its path with the majority support of its people, displaying undisputed political, economic and social achievements, while it is an active promoter and defender of the unity of our peoples and the necessary integration.
Difficult times have elapsed in our region and in the world. The offensive of imperialism and the servile oligarchies seek to destroy the revolutionary and progressive processes; regaining their hegemony; restoring the doctrines and practices of wild neo-liberalism; to reverse the political, economic and social conquests reached by our peoples and bringing back the empire of the most retrograde forces.
Over the last few months we have witnessed the most brutal political, economic and media attacks, deployed against the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela, initiated by Commander Hugo Chavez Frias and continues to carry out firmly the constitutional President Nicolas Maduro Moros at the head of the civic-military Union of his people, whom we reiterate our unconditional solidarity.
Managua has lived days of commitment and revolutionary reaffirmation by successfully celebrating the XXIII meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, whose final declaration and proposed actions are instruments to deal with the imperialist and reactionary offensive. The tribute paid to the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, and Che Guevara on the 50th anniversary of his fall in combat, fortify our commitment to the construction of a better world.
Today, more than ever, it is imperative to build and strengthen the unity of our peoples. Cuba will be the venue of the upcoming Sao Paulo Forum meeting in 2018. We will work responsibly in the construction of the unity of the regional left by the concretion of our America´s consensus and the declaration of our America in struggle.
Last June 16, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced the policy of his Government towards Cuba that reverts the progress achieved in the last two years in relations with that country, with a marked tightening of the blockade against Cuba.
Cuba, for its part, has ratified that we will not make any concessions of any kind or give up one of our principles; and we have reaffirmed the will to continue the respectful dialogue and cooperation with that country based on equality, respect for sovereignty and independence.
We appreciate the solidarity expressions received from the Nicaraguan people and its leaders and from the peoples and Governments of the world.
Commander Daniel Ortega, comrade Rosario Murillo, fraternal Nicaraguan people:
Cuba ratifies that the Nicaraguan people and the Sandinista revolution can always count on the solidarity and unconditional support of the Cuban revolutionaries. Congratulations on your 38th anniversary.
Long live the glorious Sandinista Revolution!
Long live the Sandinista National Liberation Front!
Long live Daniel and Rosario!
Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Long live Fidel and Raul!
Long live the indestructible brotherhood among our peoples!
Until the victory always!