April 20th, 2020

20 April, 2020 Cost Ricans demand end to US blockade against Cuba

The Costa Rican Cuba Solidarity Committee (CCSC) on Monday demanded an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade that the United States has imposed on Cuba for nearly six decades, and has further tightened over the past few years.

20 April, 2020 Honduras stands out Cuba’s continued solidarity in health

After a brigade of Cuban health collaborators arrived in Honduras to help fighting the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the Ministry of Health recalled that the island’s solidarity in this field has been present since 1998.

20 April, 2020 Dominican Republic present in virtual race organized by Cuba

The virtual race called by organizers of the Half Marathon in Varadero, Cuba, was attended today by about a thousand athletes from Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, the Dominican Republic, United States, Switzerland, Venezuela, Uruguay, Portugal, Belgium and Germany, in addition to participants from all the regions of Cuba.