
Havana, Cuba.- The Ministry of Culture in Cuba is taking new measures in the face of the expansion of the coronavirus to keep art active, support creators and back up the provisions implemented by the government.

A publication on the institution’s website confirms the decision to postpone massive national and international artistic events that involve large crowds, while informing about other actions related to the various entities attached to the sector.

An example of this is the closure of cultural centers, Houses of Music and Culture, libraries, museums, art galleries and bookstores, which implies not only the suspension of presentations or shows, but the internal activity of several of these spaces.

The note explains that in order to maintain administrative functioning, said entities continue to work with minimal staff, and a permanent Management Post is established in the Ministry, with official means of communication open to any complaint or suggestion from the population.

Likewise, the statement reiterates that salary support will be provided to all creators belonging to the catalogs of the Cuban Institute of Music and the National Council of Performing Arts, while explaining the provisions for teaching in this sector.

According to the statement, wages will be paid at 100 percent for the first month, and from the second month onwards they will be paid at 60 percent while the work interruption lasts.

Likewise, the note states that the agencies, centers and companies of artistic representation will abstain from signing new work relationships for the duration of the epidemiological situation, while the national institutes and councils will establish direct communication channels for their union and the public.