
Pinar del Rio, Cuba.- Residents in San Antonio Cape, the westernmost tip of Cuba, are present Sunday at the polls to support the new Cuban Magna Carta.

The Valley, almost 60 kilometers west of the provincial capital, is home to the residents of Vallecito and La Bajada in District 49.

They are 433 persons to vote after being guaranteed transportation and insurance, says Felix Armando Ganges, member of the Electoral Commission of the western province of Pinar del Rio.

So many reasons we have to be present here, assure residents in the place totally forgotten before the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

Ramon Valdes is among them, who narrates to current generations the anxieties experienced before January 1, 1959 by the men and women who inhabited San Antonio Cape and its vicinity.

We are taken into account, our voices enriched the letter of the new constitution we currently supported, he says.

Similar situation is felt in 1, 219 polling stations in this western territory.

Discipline and respect distinguish the day, says Jorge Jesus Cirion, President of the provincial electoral Commission.

A total of 474, 238 Pinar del Río residents must vote on February 24, in which Cuba endorses its constitution.