Etiqueta: Father of the Nation
28 June, 2018 Diaz-Canel Presided Over Ceremony of the Flags at Bayamo

The President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, presided over in the Revolution Square of Bayamo the lifting ceremony of the Cuban flag and that Carlos Manuel de Cespedes led to begin the Cuban libertarians struggles in La Demajagua sugar mill.

10 October, 2017 Raul Presided Homage to Cespedes and Mariana Grajales

On the anniversary 149 of the beginning of the War of Independence, Army General Raul Castro presided over in Santiago de Cuba the solemn burial ceremony of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes´s and Mariana Grajales´s remains in mausoleums located now in the patrimonial area of Santa Iphigenia Cemetery.