Photo taken from Cubadebate.

Photo taken from Cubadebate.

GENEVA, Switzerland.- The Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Pedro Luis Pedroso, reiterated to the Human Rights Council the firm commitment of his country to international solidarity.

Pedroso presented to the plenary the report of the visit to Cuba by the independent expert on human rights and international solidarity, in the context of the thirty-eighth regular session of the Human Rights Council.

The ambassador argued that Cuban international cooperation is based on the values of solidarity and humanism which characterize its society and in this regard referred to the assistance provided by more than 50 thousand health workers in 65 countries.

Pedroso also mentioned the “Yo, sí puedo” (Yes, I can) literacy method developed in 28 countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, which has enabled millions to enjoy a basic human right: education.