Redaccion Central
18 December, 2018 Foreign Investment Grew in Cuba in 2018

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) grew in 2018, Foreign Trade and Investment Minister Rodrigo Malmierca said, adding 40 new business deals were struck amounting to 1.5 billion dollars.

11 December, 2018 Cuba and Syria Reaffirm Historic Ties of Friendship

The President of the Assembly of the Syrian people or Parliament, Hamoudah Sabbag, held in Damascus a meeting with Cuban Ambassador, Miguel Porto Parga, in which they agreed to consolidate the relations between the two nations.

7 December, 2018 Cuban Emigration in Miami Calls for End of Blockade

Cuban emigration organizations in the American city of Miami, Florida, integrated into the Marti Alliance Coalition, will demand tomorrow the end of the American blockade against Cuba.

7 December, 2018 Wikileaks Creator Rejects Ecuadorian President’s Offer

The defense of Julian Assange rejected a possible departure of the founder of Wikileaks from the Embassy of Ecuador in London, after warning that he could be detained by British justice and then delivered to the United States.