
Havana, Cuba.- Cuban president, Miguel Diaz-Canel, stressed his government and people are ready for respectful talks with the United States without conditions on national sovereignty.

‘We don’t accept impositions, much less from the U.S. It is not possible to talk when one of the parts pretends you bow to its orders’, emphasized the head of State in exclusive statements to Telesur news channel.

In his first interview to an international communication media, Diaz-Canel, spoke of the relevant issues of Cuban reality that include the constitutional reform, the blockade imposed by the U.S. government and foreign meddling several Latin American countries are currently facing.

The Cuban head of State said that the first four months of his mandate have been a period of great experience and reflection, one in which he has focused on establishing links, debating and sustaining a permanent dialogue with the population, besides being there where the most complex issues of Cuban reality are dealt with.

Also, he mentioned that training and making government leaders and officials capable of using social media and information technology as main working tools is another priority on which the State is working on.

Also, Diaz-Canel stressed that the ‘main obstacle for the country’s development, what hurts the most to everyday life of Cubans and also their economic and social life, is the blockade imposed by the United States, which is a brutal practice, a case of lese-humanity’.

He explained that for over half a century U.S. authorities interfere in the regular flow of capital to the island, while putting the brakes on foreign investment.

In that sense, he stressed that Cuba is not a threat to any country. ‘What we have is the will and a vocation for social justice, for building a better nation’.

Diaz-Canel highlighted that despite the blockade, his government is focused on updating the economic and social model, included in the constitutional reform, whose debate by the people goes on throughout the country since last August 13.

To criticism from reactionary sectors on the socialist Cuban process, the head of State said the government will never renounce its ideology or the values of the Revolution.

Diaz-Canel discarded the call of counter-revolutionaries for voters not to turn out for the referendum on the constitutional reform scheduled for February, 2019. He asserted ‘…I am confident in the people’s participation’.

In other issues, the Cuban president referred to the situation of economic, political and social harassment that several countries of Latin America are suffering and made a special emphasis on the Venezuelan reality.

In that sense, he greeted the Venezuelan people and denounced the economic and financial blockade on the South American country. ‘Venezuela and its people will be victorious, resist and overcome’, he emphasized.

Referring to the withdrawal of Ecuador and Colombia from regional integration and solidarity bodies, such as the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America (Alba-TCP) and the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the President alerted that ‘dividing us would likely lead to the destruction of social and political constructions in the region.