
Havana, Cuba.- Cities in more than thirty countries were the stage over the weekend of demonstrations to demand the end of the blockade the United States has maintained for six decades and is currently tightening against Cuba.

The demonstrators also denounced the destabilizing campaigns orchestrated mainly to bring about a forced regime change in the island and disrupt the transformation process going on since 1959.

Members of friendship groups, goodwill people and Cuban residents in other countries carried out marches, car and bicycle caravans, rallies, cultural meetings and debates in social media.

On Sunday, the Bridges of Love solidarity initiative carried out in Washington and other US cities mobilizations that demanded President Joe Biden to lift sanctions that intend to crush the Cuban family and hinder the country’s development.

The call had a special response in Latin America and the Caribbean, in countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Paraguay, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Brazil and Mexico.

From Italy, Austria, Belgium, Finland and Germany, among other European nations, actions were also reported this weekend, after concluding the “Tenemos Memoria” (We Have Memory) campaign, convened by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) against terrorism and the blockade.