Etiqueta: José Ramón Machado Ventura
26 July, 2017 We Will Never Betray the Glory of Serving the Revolution

“Before our people, before the memory of our heroic dead, we ratify we will never betray the glory of having serve to the Fatherland and the Revolution under the ideas and conduction of Fidel and Raul,” Jose Ramon Machado Ventura said

14 July, 2017 Raul Castro Closes Ordinary Session of Cuban Parliament

The President of the Councils of State and of Ministers, Army General Raul Castro, pointed out that despite the financial tensions the Gross Domestic Product grew 1.1 per cent in the first semester, which denotes a change in the sign of economy compared to last year.

9 June, 2017 Debate on Public Health in Cuba

Cuban Vice-President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura participated in the discussions of the Commission on Efficiency at the National Union of Health Workers Conference.

7 June, 2017 Eusebio Leal Receives Replica of Marti´s Gavel

Visibly moved, Eusebio Leal, historian of Havana, received this Wednesday the replica of Marti´s Gavel, granted by the National Council of the National Union of Jurists of Cuba, in the presence of Cuban Vice-President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura.