Machado Ventura and Valdes Mesa travel around productive poles

Cuban farmers in intense spring planting days. Photo/Carlos Rafael.

SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba.- The Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, accompanied by Vice President of the Republic Salvador Valdes Mesa, visited the productive poles of Santiago de Cuba in the midst of the campaign of land preparation and spring planting.

Irrigation systems, the crops that start and the work plan were matters in which Machado Ventura took interest, who, by exchanging with producers, stated that after making a good planting we have to extract the maximum.

Granma newspaper refers that during the journey through Songo La Maya production pole, the official emphasized the need to use land efficiently and noted that there are underutilized livestock areas.

Valdes Mesa emphasized that all forms of production should be taken advantage of, from the most rudimentary to the most modern, exploiting whatever is possible at all times.