La Paz, Bolivia.- The secretary general of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Ignacio Roman Mendoza, assured today the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba will be a central theme in an important party meeting in Havana.
The issue of these coercive measures must be on the agenda of the 12th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (Eipco)’, to be held in Havana from October 27 to 29, said the leader in an interview to Prensa Latina.
He added that this criterion is not only based on Cuba’s proposal, which has already taken this issue to the United Nations General Assembly on countless occasions, where it has a huge majority support.
Mendoza recalled that these resolutions of the international organization were not complied with by the different U.S. governments, but in his opinion the fundamental thing is the mobilization inside and outside the United States to reverse this policy of interference and violation of International Law.
Today it is no longer only a question of blocking Cuba and pursuing its finances throughout the world – warned the veteran revolutionary fighter – now this is also being applied to Venezuela, and with thousands of reprisals of all kinds against the Russian Federation as a result of the conflict with Ukraine’.
He commented that these punitive measures have a boomerang effect and have repercussions on a world scale on the capitalist economy.
‘Therefore, we once again are going to express our position of solidarity so that the resolutions of the United Nations regarding the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States are complied with’, he told this news agency.
The leader of the Bolivian workers’ party expressed satisfaction for the decision of the president of his country, Luis Arce, to vote in favor of suspending this measure of Washington, which he described as ‘arbitrary and inhuman’.
Regarding the XII Eipco, he said that it is a happy event that it is taking place in Havana, and said he felt honored to represent his country in that venue.
The communist leader evoked the Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States held in Havana in 2014, in which, at the initiative of Army General Raúl Castro, then president of the country, the region was declared a peace zone.