
Paris, France.- The Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France repudiated this Friday the island’s reincorporation into the US’ unilateral list of countries that do not cooperate in its fight against terrorism, a position described as infamous.

On the organization’s press release, Cuban Residents recalled the US long policy of attacks orchestrated, boosted, financed and executed against Cuba, a victim of terrorist actions that have left 3,478 deaths and 1,999 disabled people.

Likewise, that group rejected Washington’s complicit silence in the face of the attack with a fire weapon on April 30 at the Cuban embassy in the US capital, hit by several shells, which miraculously did not trigger any victims.

On Wednesday, the State Department published the list of governments that ‘do not fully cooperate with the United States’ anti-terrorism efforts,’ which included Cuba, a country excluded in 2015 by the then US President Barack Obama in the midst of the process of rapprochement between Havana and Washington, reversed by Donald Trump.

On the press release, the Coordinator of Cuban Residents in France insisted that the island has never received terrorists – which the current administration of the White House accuses of as a pretext- nor has it arranged, financed or perpetrated acts of terrorism against other countries, including the United States.

She also stressed that Cuba maintains a policy of steadfast condemnation of terrorism in all its forms, manifestations and scenarios.