
Havana, Cuba.- The consultation of the new Cuban Draft Constitution continues for a month and a half more, after seven weeks of discussions and a large number of proposals and opinions of citizens.

Two of the recurring issues in the meetings to which Prensa Latina reporters attended in the last seven days were investments and the sustainable use of natural resources.

About the first issue, several people proposed that Cubans in and outside the island who have legal resources can participate in the national investment process to contribute to development, especially if the economic difficulties of the country are taken into account.

During a meeting held at the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, the workers ratified the relevance to promote sustainable development at a constitutional level.

They also proposed modifying Article 87, regarding the right of people to water, and include on the Constitution the sanitation of such an important resource.

Another issue in the debate was the inclusion in the Constitution of women’s right to abortion, although this is recognized in Cuba.

The consultations of the Draft Constitution began on August 13 and will run until November 15. These aim to enrich the text approved on July 22 by the People’s Power National Assembly.

The criteria issued will be taken into account by the legislators for the drafting of the document that will be submitted to a referendum in February 2019.

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