
Havana, Cuba.-The Cuban pupils of the primary, secondary and special education will debate next weekend in this capital on its current and future contributions to the country, added today leading nationals of this sector.
According to the president of the Pioneers’ Organization José Martí (OPJM), Aymara Guzmán, the called ‘new pines’ will show during the appointment its commitment with the Homeland and the Revolution.

In staerments to the Cuban Agency of News, Guzmán pointed out that there will come to the National Assembly Pioneril 270 delegates (232 students and 38 teachers), all united under the slogan ‘We are the future’.

She added that on Friday, after the reception in Havana and the formal accreditation, there is foreseen a festival of technologies in which there will be represented Young Club de Computación and Electronics and the Cinematographic Studies of Animation of the Cuban Institute of the Art and Industry, between other entities.

The opening of the event will be on Saturday morning, moment in which also a dedicated exhibition will remain inaugurated 55 years after the OPJM, complete last April 4.

This day the pioneers- children of first to ninth grade – will talk with managers of the Culture and Education Departments, as well as of the National Institute of Sports, Physical education and Recreation.

As head offices of the commissions of the event will be the José Martí Memorial, the National Aquarius and the Ernesto Guevara Central Palace of Pioneers, where the children will converse concerning three essential parts: studies, functioning of the organization and vocational formation.

The plenary session will be Sunday in the of the capital Palace of Conventions, installation in which a homage will be done to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, concerning his 90th birthday.

In accordance with Guzmán, also member of the National Bureau of the Union of Young Communists, in more than 50 thousand classrooms of primary, secondary and special education of the country there were realized previous debates which conclusions will be exhibited by the delegates next weekend.

One week ago, on having intervened in the commission of the Cuban Parliament dedicated to the Attention to the Childhood, the Youth and the Equality of Women’s rights, the president of the OPJM pointed out that in those meetings the children did more than 16 thousand expositions.

Most of the ones are related to the study as main duty and the constructive situation of the schools, she mentioned.

Also, they proposed the promotion of circles of interest linked to the proper needs for the different territories and the need to improve the distribution of the Cuban infantile publications, it added.

The OPJM was founded in 1961 – under the name of Union of Rebel Pioneers – with the intention of encouraging in the children and adolescents the interest in the study, the social responsibility and the love to the Homeland and the peoples.