
Havana, Cuba.- Cuban president, Miguel Diaz-Canel took part today of the yearly evaluation of the Ministry of Economy, in which investments are reviewed, above all those directed to strategic sectors for development.

During the meeting, results of the work in 2018 ansd orher important issuwes as the informatization of society and plans of the electronic government through the use of the institutional page of the Ministry and the profiles in social network of its main officials.

At the closing last December, the second ordinary period of sessions of the parliament, Diaz-Canel said the economic battle keeps being the fundamental task and the most complex.

In his closing speech, Diaz-Canel ratified ‘that is the most demanding task from us because ‘it is the one from which the people expect the most’.

According to the head of State, 2018 was a year marked by the work for a better economic management, but it is only the first step from which stem inifinite demands that this year must give its first fruits.

Over the last weeks, the President participates in yearly balances of some ministries, among them Agriculture and Industries.