
Havana, Cuba.- The Union of Young Communists, student organizations and youth movements in Cuba called today to attend mass referendum on February 24 and vote Yes for the new Constitution.

‘From a deep conscience, young people must say Yes for Cuba and for the continuity of what has been achieved in these 60 years of victories,’ said the text published in the Juventud Rebelde newspaper.

The document highlights the importance of the massive assistance of the population to the polls, especially the new generations, because ‘that will be our greatest example of patriotism, fidelity and commitment to the Revolution and its historical generation.’

It also states that the day of February 24 will be momentous for all to be able to exercise the right to a free, direct and secret suffrage, in compliance with Article 137 of the Magna Carta in force, which establishes the popular consultation.

‘We are living transcendental moments, so this will be a reaffirmation of unity to continue defending the martial ideas of Fidel and Raúl’, highlights the appeal of the youth of the Caribbean nation.

The magna carta that will be held in referendum is the result of a broad process of popular consultation in which some 780,000 proposals were issued, including those issued by residents abroad, converted after analysis and processing into nine thousand 600 standard proposals, the half of them incorporated into the law of laws.

The new Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, replacing the current one of 1976, was approved unanimously on December 22 last in the National Assembly of People’s Power, during the second ordinary period of the IX Legislature.