
Havana, Cuba.- Brazilian theologian Frei Betto called today in this capital to promote education as an instrument to improve the world and society.

The South American intellectual presented the paper Education and Critical Conscience, at the Convention Center during the Congress Pedagogy 2019, forum that gathers over 600 delegates from Cuba and 40 other nations.

According to Betto, it is urgent that the educational projects are directed to contribute to political and social protagonism of human beings and to generate spiritual development, instead of pursuing the formation of workforce qualified for market.

Dehumanization and commercial exploitation are the main challenges faced by educators worldwide, that is why indispensable the formation of a critical conscience facing present circumstances, he insisted.

Regarding the situation in Latin America, he believes the advance of the right not only should be attributed to imperialist aggression, alluding to the imnportance of political formation of the great majorities.

In the fórum that ends on Friday, Betto recognized the Cuban education and the impulse to it done by the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro.

En el foro que culmina el viernes, Betto reconoció a la educación cubana y el impulso a la misma del líder histórico de la Revolución, Fidel Castro.