
Havana, Cuba.- The German cruise ship MS Hamburg arrived in the port of Havana on Wednesday carrying nearly 600 passengers and coinciding with the beginning of the peak tourist season in Cuba.

The passengers will visit Cayo Largo del Sur, Maria la Gorda, in Pinar del Rio, and the cities of Cienfuegos, Trinidad and Santiago de Cuba, the National News Agency (ACN) reported.

The source added that another cruise ship from the United Kingdom is expected to arrive with nearly 2,000 passengers.

The Swiss company MSC Crociere S.A. has ratified its will to preserve and promote relations with Cuba, according to recent statements by CEO Pierfrancesco Vago, ACN said.

Currently, tourism is one of the sectors most affected by the tightening of the United States blockade of Cuba.

Amid this situation, Cuba is expected to receive 4.3 million foreign holidaymakers this year, accounting for 84.3% of the plan and a decrease of 10% compared to 4.7 million vacationers who visited the Caribbean island in 2018, according to a report published by Tourism Minister Manuel Marrero.