Mexico City, Mexico.- The Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risk (Cofepris) granted the sanitary registration to the Cuban medication Heberprot-P, which is used to treat diabetic foot ulcers, it was reported here today.

The drug is an injection that speeds up the cicatrization of deep ulcers caused by diabetes and one of the main causes for amputation in Mexico.

The medication, which was developed at the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Center (CIGB) in Cuba, reduces complications like gangrene and infections.

The measure was announced at the 1st Meeting of the Mexico-Cuba Health Cooperation Group in Havana, which was attended by Mexican Health Secretary Jose Narros.

At the meeting, authorities from the two countries agreed to identify new lines of research on diseases that have a great impact on people, like cancer, high blood pressure, mental diseases and genetics.

They also agreed on creating a bilateral catalogue of units and research centers to identity common areas and potential cooperation.

The two countries will also explore success cases in such fields as geriatrics, mental health, genetics and a model to prevent chronic diseases, the news agency Reforma reported here.