Che Guevara and Fidel in Sierra Maestra.

Che Guevara and Fidel in Sierra Maestra.

GRANMA, Cuba. – Residents of Bueycito, a community near the Sierra Maestra, recalled this Monday the 60th anniversary of the attack on the Bueycito barracks, the first action of Ernesto Guevara as commander of the Rebel Army.

In that building, currently a museum, Aldo Daniel Naranjo, president of the National Union of Cuban Historians in Granma province, explained the attack took place under the command of Che and was a quick assault.

Naranjo told the operation began at 5 a.m. and the garrison surrendered after 20 minutes of combat, despite the fact that the armament of the guerrilla column was defective and of small caliber.

The historian pointed out that in that armed action the courage and high combative disposition of the Rebel Army were evinced and Che demonstrated his qualities as a military leader.