Adolfo Rodriguez Nodals, director of the National Program of Urban Agriculture.

His legacy will prevail.

HAVANA, Cuba.- Cuban President Raul Castro sent a floral offering to the burial of Doctor in sciences Adolfo Rodriguez Nodals, director of the National Program of Urban Agriculture, who died last Saturday.

In Colon Cemetery they gave the last farewell to whom, by Fidel´s indications, assumed in 1991 the general direction of the Institute of Fundamental Research in Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT).

For PhD in Agricultural Sciences Miriam Carrion, a schoolmate of Adolfo Rodriguez, he was the one who taught her to love agriculture, and emphasized his simplicity, charisma, intelligence and passion for the cultivation of land.

Nelson Companioni, secretary of the National Program of Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture, thanked Rodriguez Nodal for his teachings and confirmed that his enormous legacy will prevail.