
tabaco 2Havana, Cuba.-As part of one of the most attractive days of the 19th Habano Festival, attendees are touring today tobacco plantations in the western region, the best known area in the world of this crop.

In these places, the layer leave is specially harvested for (handmade) Premium cigars, hence the extreme care taken by the peasants.

One of the processes of work near the plantations is destemming tobacco leaves, with example of workers who remember much of their younger years and the love that feel for this work.

This is the case of an employee of experience in the Cuban tobacco sector, who is grateful to master work of destemming tobacco leaves.

Josefa Acosta Ramos has much to tell, with her specialty she experienced some memories, and shares with relatives and friends, to denote the great responsibility of this task.

Born on April 27, 1937, this worker from the western Cuban province of Pinar del Río has a lot to do with the Habanos, the best handcrafted cigars in the world.

Acosta Ramos does not only worked as ‘despalilladora’, but also carried out union works, mainly after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959.