
Caracas, Venezuela.- The International Colloquium on the Thoughts of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez to the Unity and Independence of Latin America and the Caribbean is taking place in this capital, organized by the Venezuela-Cuba Mutual Friendship and Solidarity Movement.

Convened on occasion of the 92th anniversary of the birth of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, on August 13, the event is being held at the Maria Luisa Escobar hall of the National Experimental University of the Arts.

The colloquium includes papers by the Cuban History Institute vice president, Dolores Guerra Lopez; counselor at the island’s embassy in Venezuela, Luis Garcia Trujillo; and former Venezuelan ambassador to Cuba, Edgardo Ramirez, organizers said.

The coordinator of the Venezuela-Cuba solidarity movement, Yhonny Garcia Calles, diplomatic authorities accredited in Caracas, leaders of social movements and officials of the Cuban collaboration missions in this country, among other guests, will also participate.

Garcia Calles recently told Prensa Latina that the colloquium will address the thoughts of Fidel and Chavez to the unity and independence of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the need to strengthen the ideological and conceptual bases of the struggles for the definitive emancipation of the regional countries.

He also highlighted the importance of analyzing in depth the contribution made by Fidel Castro (1926- 2016) and Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) to face the political, media, economic and financial warfare actions promoted against Venezuela and other countries of the area.