
Havana, Cuba.- The United States is the only one responsible for the deterioration that the relations between that country and Cuba are experiencing today, the president of the Caribbean nation, Raúl Castro, assured in this capital.

When closing the tenth regular session of the eighth legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power on Thursday, the head of state said that in 2017 there was a setback in relations, which he described as serious and irresponsible.

Raúl Castro assured that Cuba is not guilty at all of the situation, marked, in addition, by the resurgence of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed from Washington, the return of aggressive and disrespectful rhetoric and the arbitrary application of unjustified measures.

The latter significantly affect the links between peoples and families, as well as the rights and freedoms of Cubans and Americans, the president added.

In this regard, the island’s authorities repeatedly expressed throughout the year the Cuban will to continue working in favor of better relations with the United States and dialogue on the basis of respect and cooperation in matters of common interest.

According to sources from the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Cuba also expressed the desire to continue negotiating pending bilateral issues with the North American government, without impositions or conditions.