Andres Gomez, national coordinator of the Antonio Maceo Brigade and member of the Marti Alliance Coalition of Immigrant Entities.

MIAMI, The United States.- The possibility of Cubans living abroad to comment on the new project of Constitution of their native country is part of a significant process of rapprochement between all.

Andres Gomez, who lives in Miami, Florida, highlighted that this decision of the Cuban Government constitutes an inclusive action of great transcendence, and will strengthen the present and the future of the homeland.

In Gomez´s opinion, this proposal to have another law of laws adapts correctly to the situation the Cuban people lives and will live in the foreseeable future.

It responds very well to the needs and realities of the country, it is clearer and more specific in many matters than the current constitution, Andres Gomez said, national coordinator of the Antonio Maceo Brigade and member of the Marti Alliance Coalition of Immigrant Entities.