President Nicholas Maduro.

Social investment in Venezuela increased to 74.1%, while employment form was located at 60.8%.

CARACAS, Venezuela. – The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, presented this Monday the report of management on the political and governmental exercise during 2017, before the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), in the Federal Legislative Palace, at Caracas.

Social investment in the country increased to 74.1 percent, while employment form was 60.8 percent. Also, unemployment dropped six percent, Maduro explained during his annual message.

2017 has been a year of social investment, social advances, political advances, which has allowed us to prepare conditions for the arrival of a new time, for the future,” he said.

The Venezuelan President pointed out that despite the difficulties of 2017-economic war on the right and international sanctions-, they were able to consolidate social programs for the protection of the people.

He highlighted the success of the Local Committee on Supply and Production (CLAP), to provide staple food for the most vulnerable families. “The goal is to serve 6 million households through the CLAP. That is the goal we must fulfill this year,” he said.

On the Great Mission Housing Venezuela (GMVV), President Maduro indicated that until 2017 1,932,869 households were delivered to Venezuelan families, and for this 2018 they will be two million.

He indicated that the new GMVV expansion plan will soon be launched, involving youth, middle class and workers.