Bolivian President Evo Morales.

The Empire says nothing of the fraud in Honduras, Evo points out.

LA PAZ, Bolivia. – The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, criticized this Tuesday the double standard of the United States, which keeps silent on the electoral fraud in Honduras, but sanctions the head of the Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua, Roberto Rivas.

Honduras is undergoing a serious political crisis following the presidential elections in November, where the Supreme Electoral Court declared President Juan Orlando Hernandez as the winner, despite the insistent allegations of irregularities during the process.

The Empire says nothing of the fraud in Honduras, the Bolivian head of State wrote in his Twitter account, and reported that this fraud was operated by the employees of the Empire.

While the United States ignores these acts of corruption, it penalizes the head of the Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua, Roberto Rivas, Evo warned.