Diaz-Canel denounces Twitter boost to coup in Bolivia

Diaz-Canel denounces manipulation on Twitter to justify coup in Bolivia.

HAVANA, Cuba.- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel denounced this Monday the creation of more than 68,000 fake Twitter accounts to support the recent coup d’état in Bolivia, and held the United States accountable with destabilization in that South American nation.

Diaz-Canel noted in his social network account the brazenness, false news and media manipulation with which they act on Twitter in order to distort realities about what happened in recent weeks in Bolivia.

In another message on Twitter, Diaz-Canel said this Monday that the U.S. Embassy is responsible for the destabilization in Bolivia, alluding to a report published in Granma newspaper.

The publication resumes a tweet dated November 13 from former President Evo Morales, who claimed that the Washington Embassy in La Paz has been the ultimate responsible and promoter of the destabilization of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.