Cuba confirms 34 new Covid-19 cases

Covid-19 deaths raises to 61 in Cuba.

HAVANA, Cuba.- At the close of yesterday, April 29, 2 thousand 954 patients are admitted to hospitals for epidemiological clinical surveillance. Another 6,972 people are monitored in their homes from Primary Health Care.

For COVID-19, 2 thousand 03 samples were studied, resulting in 34 positive samples. The country accumulates 47 thousand 347 samples carried out and a thousand 501 positive (3.2%). Therefore, at the close of yesterday, 34 new cases are confirmed, for a cumulative figure of one thousand 501 in the country.

The 34 new cases confirmed were Cuban. Of them, 29 (85.2%) confirmed cases´ contacts and in 5 (15%) the source of infection is not accurate.

Of the 34 diagnosed cases, 16 (47%) women and 18 (52.9%) men. The worst-affected age groups were: 40-60-year-old group with 16 cases (47%), followed by under 40 with 14 cases (41.1%). 67.6% (23) of positive cases were asymptomatic.

The places of residence of the 34 confirmed cases by provinces and municipalities are as follows:

Havana: 18 cases (7 from Cerro municipality; 2 from Marianao, Plaza de la Revolucion and La Lisa municipalities; Guanabacoa, Centro Habana, Arroyo Naranjo, Playa and Boyeros municipalities with 1 each).

Matanzas: 10 cases (5 from Cardenas municipality; 3 from Jaguey Grande municipality; Limonar and Jovellanos municipalities with 1 each).

Cienfuegos: 2 cases (2 from Cienfuegos municipality).

Las Tunas: 1 case (1 from Puerto Padre municipality).

Santiago de Cuba: 1 case (1 case from Santiago de Cuba municipality).

Guantanamo: 1 case (1 case from Guantanamo municipality).

Island of Youth Special Municipality: 1 case

Details of the 34 new confirmed cases:


Cuban citizen, 11 months, resident in t Plaza de la Revolucion municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

19-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Guanabacoa municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 44, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 45, resident in Arroyo Naranjo municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 12 contacts are kept under surveillance.

95-year-old Cuban citizen, residing in La Lisa municipality, Havana province. The source of infection is being investigated.13 contacts are kept under surveillance.

28-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in La Lisa municipality, Havana province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 27, resident in Boyeros municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases.11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

30-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Playa municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases.11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

57-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

A 49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Plaza de la Revolucion municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

A 35-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

A 49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Centro Habana municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 52, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 53, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 58, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 51, resident in Marianao municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 59 contacts are kept under surveillance.

32-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Marianao municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 9 contacts are kept under surveillance.

56-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cerro municipality, Havana province. A contact of previously confirmed cases. 13 contacts are kept under surveillance.


52-year-old Cuban citizen, resident of Jaguey Grande municipality, Matanzas province. The source of infection is being investigated.13 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 45, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 30, resident in Limonar municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 27, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.  11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

61-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.  14 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 57, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.  14 contacts are kept under surveillance.

51-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Jovellanos municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of previously confirmed cases.10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Cuban citizen, 23, resident in Cardenas municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 10 contacts are kept under surveillance.

32-year-old Cuban citizen, resident of Jaguey Grande municipality, Matanzas province. A contact of suspected case. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

27-year-old Cuban citizen, resident of Jaguey Grande municipality, Matanzas province. The source of infection is being investigated. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.


Cuban citizen, 21 resident in Cienfuegos municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 22 contacts are kept under surveillance.

A 50-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Cienfuegos municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 23 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Las Tunas

63-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Puerto Padre municipality, Las Tunas province. A contact of a previously confirmed case.  15 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Santiago de Cuba

75-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Santiago de Cuba municipality, province of the same name. The source of infection is being investigated. 25 contacts are kept under surveillance.


13-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Guantanamo municipality, province of the same name. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 17 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Island of Youth

Cuban citizen, 47, resident in Island of Youth Special Municipality. A contact of a previously confirmed case. 11 contacts are kept under surveillance.

Of the 1,501 patients diagnosed with the disease, 757 remain active cases, and of them, 747 have a stable clinical evolution. There are 61 deaths (three yesterday), two evacuees and 681 medical discharges (64 more yesterday). Six patients are reported in a critical condition and four patients in a serious condition.


Patients reported in critical condition:

59-year-old Cuban citizen, she resides in Havana. History of bronchial asthma and morbid obesity. She developed coughing, decay and progressive dyspnea, moved to Intensive Care Therapy

by increase of symptoms. She is afebrile, ventilated, chest Rx. with inflammatory lesions to right predominance. She remains reported in a critical condition.

53-year-old Cuban citizen. With a history of diabetes mellitus. She has a radiological clinical improvement, no fever, abundant bronchial secretions, cooperative, ventilated through hemodynamically stable hemodynamic tracheostomy, Unchanged chest Rx. She remains reported in a critical condition.

77-year-old Cuban citizen from the Nursing Home. A history of senile dementia. Received in intensive care coming from a febrile room with a picture of respiratory failure and significant dehydration, it is possible to stabilize hemodynamics progressively, and begins with mechanical ventilation. She is afebrile, thick bronchial secretions, without sedation, awakening, mechanical ventilation, Rx. chest with slight parahilar right veil. Right collarbone fracture. She remains reported in a critical condition.

85-year-old Cuban citizen from the Nursing Home, Santa Clara. History of arterial hypertension, ischemic cardiopathy, chronic renal insufficiency and senile dementia. He presented general condition intake, polypnea and peribucal cyanosis, presents blood gas with severe hypoxemia and is moved for Intensive Care Therapy, with mechanical ventilation, and light respiratory distress. He stays afebrile, stays sedated and relaxed, with mechanical ventilation, inflammatory infiltrating chest Rx in right lung and left lung radiologically better. He remains reported in a critical condition.

69-year-old Cuban citizen, admitted to Fermin Valdes Dominguez Hospital in Holguin. Personal Pathological background: diabetes mellitus and ischemic cardiopathy. In the early morning he made a picture of ventricular dysfunction, was given a nitroglycerin infusion and had improvement. In the morning he repeated the event arriving at cardiogenic shock in need of mechanical ventilation, moderate respiratory distress. Hemodynamically unstable, chest Rx. Opacity in cotton-looking shadow maintains located in the right para-cardiac region and appears right pneumothorax of 25%, right pleurotomy is performed. He is reported in a critical condition.

49-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Santiago de Cuba municipality. With a history of arterial hypertension. In the early morning he showed a sharpening of respiratory failure, in need of mechanical ventilation. He did a hypertensive episode, so treatment was readjusted. Hemodynamically stable. In blood gas a respiratory alkalosis turned out. Rx. thorax with inflammatory lesions spread in both hemithorax, predominantly left. He is reported in a critical condition.

Patients reported in a serious condition:

54-year-old Cuban citizen lives in Plaza de la Revolucion, Havana. History of arterial hypertension. He entered with cough, fever, decay and progressive shortness of breath. He is afebrile, 16 hours of extubated, spontaneously ventilating with oxygen supplementation. Rx. thorax with inflammatory lesions in lower 2/3 of the left hemithorax and middle right lung lobe. He is reported in a serious condition.

79-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Havana. History of hypertension, lung cancer and obesity. She is afebrile, spontaneously ventilated.  Hemodynamically stable, Chest Rx. with veiled all left hemithorax and right base. She is reported in a serious condition.

75-year-old Cuban citizen, resident in Villa Clara. With a history of arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. She had a hypertensive emergency, afebrile, diarrheal picture with no signs of dehydration, cough, light polypnea, spontaneously ventilating with hemodynamically stable supplemental oxygen. Rx. chest with radiological worsening. Interstitial inflammatory lesions at both bases. She is reported in a serious condition.

69-year-old Cuban citizen from Guantanamo municipality. With a history of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal insufficiency, ischemic vascular brain disease and prostrated. He began with severe shortness of breath, tachycardia and hypotension,
it is interpreted as a fine branched pulmonary thromboembolism and he is moved to Intensive Care Therapy. He is conscious, oriented, afebrile, ventilated spontaneously with oxygen supplement. Hemodynamically stable. Blood gas with compensated respiratory alkalosis. Normal chest rx. He is reported in a serious condition.

Unfortunately, three deaths occurred:

77-year-old Cuban citizen, she lived in Havana. She had a personal pathological history: heart failure, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure (grade III). She was admitted for fever and shortness of breath, high tension figures. Dyspnea intensified, crackles were auscultated in both lung fields. Hemodynamic stability, lower limb edema, jugular ingurgitation, hepato-espleno-megaly, leukocytosis, lymphopenia, creatine, urea and uric acid elevated. Rx with interstitial lesions in both lung fields. He evolved the first few hours without ventilatory demand and stability of its parameters. He progressively worsened with marked hypoxemia, hypotension, decreased diuretic rhythm, until he reached anuria. He is intubated and ventilated in controlled mode, supported with amines. On April 28 he continued in anuria, widespread edema, very high creatine and urea. Radiological worsening was observed in the Rx, achieving hemodynamic stability at the expense of amines that enabled hemodialitic proceedings. Subsequently she was hemodynamically unstable, with a commitment to oxygenation. In chest Rx she exhibited inflammatory lesions predominantly of left hemithorax. Ventricular arrhythmias appeared and treated with anti-arrhythmics. She made ventricular fibrillation that led her to cardiorespiratory arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers were performed that were unsuccessful. We deeply regret what happened and convey to her family and friends our deepest condolences.

Cuban citizen, 80, resided in Havana. Personal pathological history: ischemic heart disease. She was admitted with diarrhea and decay. She was moved to therapy due to shortness of breath and increased decay. She began with sudden dyspnea and hypotension, where she was intubated and ventilated in controlled mode and supported with vasoactive amines, doses were increased due to low response to therapeutics. Her stay in intensive care was characterized by maintained hypoxemia, leukocytosis, decreased platelets, elevated lactate numbers, Rx with diffuse inflammatory lesions in both lung fields. She died in a septic shock painting refractory to treatment. We deeply regret what happened and convey to her family and friends our deepest condolences.

95-year-old Cuban citizen, she lived in Havana. Personal pathological history: high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus. She showed up in ER presenting a drowsiness picture, with response to painful stimuli, no fever is observed. She began with sudden polypnea, hypotension, coldness and paleness reaching cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which was effective. Intubated and ventilated in controlled mode, she is isolated in a therapy cubicle she was no transportable and not in hemodynamic conditions for transfer. She remained oligoanuric, supported by amines for maintained hypotension and continued in mechanical ventilation. She died on April 28,. 2020. She was confirmed by positive PCR yesterday. We deeply regret what happened and convey to her family and friends our deepest condolences.

Until April 29, 183 countries with COVID-19 cases are reported with 3 million 52 thousand 370 confirmed cases (+69 thousand 682) and 216 thousand 563 fatales (+ 6 thousand 370) for a lethality of 7.09% (0.05).

In the Americas region, 1 million 252 thousand 601 confirmed cases (+37 thousand 496) are reported. 41.04% of the total reported cases worldwide with 71 thousand 085 deaths (+3 thousand 216) for a lethality of 5.67% (+0.09).