
Havana, Cuba.- President of the Cuban National Economists and Accountants Association (ANEC), Oscar Luis Hung, called to rescue the Agenda 2030 of Sustainable Development in an international forum, today in its second day of debates.

We cannot allow, stressed Hung, that the pretext of lack of financing is put as an excuse to evade its pressing objectives, when billions of dollars are wasted in military expenditures, more still when they make climate change worse, deepen poverty and cause countless human losses.

At the forum attended by 231 experts of nine countries and international organizations, Hung referred to the new international environment and its main challenges.

The also co-president of the Association of Latin American and Caribbean Economists (Aealc), referred to the uncertain present situation of world economy, mainly in this region’s countries, adversity to which are added the accumulated social problems and the sequels of neoliberalism.

Our profession, he argued, has given us the analytical tools to understand there will not be prosperity, stability or peace anywhere in the planet, above all in underdeveloped countries if those severe deformities are not corrected.

Each one of the 11 commissions of the event will face the evils detected in order to reach consensus on the best ways to face them.

He called participants to find the most dynamic and competitive ways to insert the less developed economies in the world arena, breaking a historic dependency and vulnerability of which they have been victims.

The opening session included the master lecture of the Coordinator of the Economic Observatory of Latin America and professor of the Autonomous University of Mexico, Oscar Ugarteche, who dealt with the real causes of present protectionist policy of the United States.

Other master lectures were delivered by Hugo Eduardo Beteta, director of the subregional see of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and profesor Claudio Katz, of the University of Buenos Aires, who pointed among the main problems of the region’s economies, the submission and high dependency on world prices of raw materials.

The event also includes courses on Financial and Monetary International Panorama: present situation and future risks and another one on Present trends of international trade: Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean, in charge of professors Mercedes Garcia and Antonio Romero, respectively.