
Ernesto Soberón Guzmán, director de Asuntos Consulares y Cubanos Residentes en el Exterior, del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, durante un encuentro con medios nacionales de prensa, en la sede de la cancillería cubana, en La Habana, el 3 de agosto de 2018. ACN FOTO/Modesto GUTIÉRREZ CABO/sdl

Havana, Cuba.- “Over a million and four hundred thousand Cubans citizens living overseas, will be able to express their opinions as part of the debate on the new local constitution project since the first week of September.” Ernesto Soberón, who is the director of the Consular Affairs on Cubans living abroad that is part of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MINREX), pointed out.

According to the high-ranking official, that decision ratified the Cuban government´s will about getting the related opinion from all the Cubans as part of a really important process for the nation.

“The participation of our people overseas will enable their contribution to the related elaboration process of the new Constitution for the present and the future, along with the premise about the unity about the Cuban revolution.” He pointed out.

Cubans living Overseras to be able to Participate on the Constitution