
HAVANA, Cuba. – More and more convincing the verses by Lola Rodriguez de Tio are, “Cuba and Puerto Rico are/of a bird the two wings/they receive flowers and bullets/in the same heart. Thus, Armando Pacheco Matos, director of the Puerto Rican group Homeland and Culture refers to Radio Reloj.

He explains this group develops a project that combines songs with a patriotic and overflowing content of Puerto Rican values that they disseminate by all the communities. It is another way of doing revolution, he confesses, because the Puerto Ricans are already discouraged with the whole situation of ambiguity they have long been suffering.

We do not give demagogic speeches, but with music we enter consciences”, Pacheco says, who integrates the Juan Ríus Rivera Brigade that concluded its visit to Cuba.

Greater Patriotism

The Puerto Ricans currently have a hard time and suffer humiliations because the imperial metropolis has imposed a violent debt on them, Armando Pacheco, leader of Homeland and Culture music group explains.

He adds that through the tasty rhythm of salsa, they introduce messages to their people that call for reflection and analysis. He points out that is another way to sow the revolutionary spirit in Puerto Ricans.

Pacheco clarifies that “here there is no fear or hesitation, that’s why the world respect so much Marti, Che and Fidel, and the Cubans follow their ideas of infinite love to the homeland”.