
Central act for July 28 in Pinar del Rio, 2017.

PINAR DEL RIO, Cuba.- The central act for the anniversary 64 of the assault on Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks began in the provisional Revolution Square of Pinar del Rio with a tribute to the martyrs and Fidel.

Medical student Sergio Luis Blanco reaffirmed his generation is a follower of the Moncada´s heroes and rejected Trump’s policy towards Cuba and external interference in Venezuela.

Maria Izquierdo, from the July 26 cooperative and delegate to the World Youth Festival said with her work contributes to the cultivation of tobacco, the symbol of Pinar del Rio province.

Rebellion and Commitment

“It is an honor to welcome the celebration of July 26, which we see as a recognition of the people´s efforts, a commitment to maintain achievements and to pursue new goals,” Gladys Martinez Verdecia, First Secretary of the Party in Pinar del Río said.

In the central ceremony for the anniversary 64 of the assaults to Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks, she recalled the total abandonment the province lived in 1953, denounced by Fidel in “History Will Absolve Me”.

Martinez Verdecia stressed that with the Revolution´s work, Pinar del Río ceased to be the Cinderella of Cuba and today has favorable economic indicators in health and sports.

She mentioned an infant mortality rate of 1,7 per 1,000 live births, the lowest in the country; and the educational system with more than 16 thousand teachers.

With Fidel´s example

In the central act on 26 July, the First Secretary of the Party in Pinar del Río stressed the Castellanos mining project, and added agricultural and fisheries production show that it is possible to achieve better results.

Martinez Verdecia said these indicators help to develop the country and to satisfy the people´s needs, and alluded to the electrification of houses, rehabilitation of medical clinics, family buildings, cultural and commercial facilities, as part of the social benefits in the territory.

She asserted much remains to be done, but there is optimism in the people of Pinar del Rio and with their effort, goals will transform into favorable results.

“We’ll never fail Fidel. Under the guidance of his example, his revolutionary intransigence and his faith in victory, we will move on,” she said.