
Havana, Cuba.- Cuban leader Fidel Castro´s thought 60 years after the Revolution was highlighted in Havana Wednesday as part of the 4th International Conference for World Balance.

During the panel 60 years after his triumph: historical significance of the Cuban Revolution and the legacy of Jose Marti and Fidel Castro, historian Elier Ramirez highlighted the leadership of the leader of the Revolution, who successfully defeated an army as powerful and modern as that of Fulgencio Batista, which was supported by the United States.

In that sense, he recalled that Fidel achieved to form a movement with great Martian inspiration, with which he defeated the Batista dictatorship.

He also mentioned the precepts existing in the 1950s in which many thought it was impossible to achieve a socialist revolution so close to the United States, but with Fidel Castro’s leadership was achieved.

The Cuban Revolution was a deep cultural revolution, if it had not been so, it would not have been possible to proclaim its socialist character in April 1961, said Ramirez, who added that 11 U.S. administrations have passed and the revolutionary process is still going on.

As a transcendental element, he added the negotiation process between Havana and Washington in December 2014, since it allowed the US government at that time to recognize the failure of its policy towards Cuba implemented for almost 60 years.

For his part, the Cuban intellectual Enrique Ubieta, stressed that there were several paths to reach the Revolution but all had a single guiding thread, and stressed the role of unity as a key element to achieve definitive independence in January 1959.

He also mentioned some of the Cuba´s achievements, where despite the blockade imposed by the United States, all Cubans were taught to read and write, the average level of education was raised to the eleventh grade, and 22.2 percent of the workers were university graduates.

More than 600 Cuban and foreign delegates are participating in the meeting, which is held at the Havana Convention Center, under the principle of with all and for the good of all, from the Apostle of Cuba, Jose Marti.

Subjects discussed include the possibilities and dangers of integration and solidarity in Latin America and the Caribbean; the role and challenges of new social movements; as well as the struggle for peace and solidarity as a bastion of coexistence.

This edition of the World Forum of Plural Thought, to be concluded Thursday, gathers progressive intellectuals, educators, artists, writers, journalists, social fighters, and leaders of trade unions, political parties and youth organizations.