Bolivian President Evo Morales.

Morales said these interventions are accompanied by any pretext to seize natural resources.

LA PAZ, Bolivia. – The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, called for an end to military interventions following the attack on Syria by the United States, France and the United Kingdom.

On the anniversary of the reopening of Colonel Gualberto Villarroel Military College in La Paz, Morales said these interventions are accompanied by any pretext to seize natural resources.

The Bolivian President mentioned several projects to raise the gross domestic product, including the agricultural sector or industrialization, with lithium and iron among other great productive programs in the hands of the State.

In this regard, Morales indicated that the participation of the armed forces will always be important, not only to give security to the State and the defense of the national territory, but also for its participation in social programs and the development of the Bolivian people.