
cuba-educacion-presco-congHavana, Cuba.-Teachers from Latin American countries present at the 12th International Meeting for Initial Education have highlighted that Cuban solidarity fosters the education sector in their respective nations.
Juan Jose Queiroz, Bolivian Education Vice Minister, stated that not only Bolivia, but also the region, “will be long grateful to Cuba, for its solidarity in the development of the education of our children.”

Queiroz said that through programs such as: ‘Yes I Can’ supported by Cuba and others such as ‘Juancito Pinto’ or ‘Bolivia Reads’, Bolivia has been able to reduce the rate of illiteracy, from 13.28 percent in 2005 to 2.94 at the end of 2015, and the rate of school abandonment from 6 to 1.2 percent.

Guatemalan teacher, Virginia Tanca stated that thanks to the support of Cuban teachers in the region many nations have managed to reduce their illiteracy levels, and could also use the island as an example of cultural diversity and integral development in preschool education.

“Cuba is as example to be followed worldwide. Here everyone participates in the social development of the country, and we see it reflected in areas like education, health, sport, the sciences and politics,” she said.

“We focus our work in the synergy of the community and the educational system of our country, because educational development is the right of all and we must develop it in the family, the home and the community,” she continued.

Meanwhile, the Education Secretary of Haiti, Jean Bauvais Dorsonne, admitted that in Haiti it is still necessary to make advances in primary education although, “the help offered to Cuba by means of the projects: ‘Yes I can’ and ‘Aprann’ has been effective.” He added that these programs allow thousands of his compatriots to read and write.