
Havana, July 22 (Prensa Latina) The Vice President of the Cuban Council of State, Ricardo Cabrisas, has welcomed the Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Fang Liu, as reported by Granma newspaper.

The Chinese official acknowledged Cuba for its hard work for aviation safety and praised the organization of the North American, Central American, Caribbean and South American regional seminar on aviation information and ICAO analysis.

Fang, who is the first woman to hold such a position, ratified the willingness of the presiding body to continue deepening its collaboration with Cuba, founding member of ICAO.

On the other hand, Cabrisas said that transportation is a top-priority issue for the Cuban Government as part of the process of updating Cuba´s economic model.

The Minister of Economy and Planning also explained that a program to modernize the nation’s airport infrastructure is underway, according to the press release.

ICAOs official website stated that this is a UN´s specialized agency, established by States in 1944 in order to exercise administration and ensure the implementation of the Agreement on International Civil Aviation.

The Organization is working for a consensus on the recommended standards for international civil aviation and policies to ensure a much more safe, efficient, protected, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible civil aviation.