Hugo Chavez.

One of Chavez’s great qualities was to create tools to communicate directly with the people.

SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba. – Hugo Chavez Frias, the passion Uniting Us is the title of the second International Colloquium inaugurated this Monday in Santiago de Cuba, with the purpose of delving into the political, revolutionary and social thinking of the eternal leader of the Bolivarian Revolution.

In the opening, Juan Carlos Vaillant, delegate of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) in that province, highlighted the value of the meeting that brings together scholars, admirers and followers of the ideas of Cuba’s best friend.

In the second international colloquium on Hugo Chavez, Jorge Legañoa, deputy director of the Cuban News Agency gave a lecture titled Tales of Arañero: Political Communication at the Time of Hugo Chavez.

Legañoa noted that one of Chavez’s great qualities was to create tools to communicate directly and clearly with the people with a supreme intentionality.