
Havana, Cuba.- The Bill on Natural Resources and the Environment System is available to Cubans in order to promote citizens’ participation in the legislative process.

The proposed regulation was posted on the website of the National People’s Power Assembly at

The Cuban Parliament’s website states that the text establishes the basic principles and standards that will regulate the actions of the State, citizens and society to ensure the implementation and operation of the system of natural resources and the environment.

This includes social interactions that strengthen the conservation, protection and rational use of natural resources and the environment, a condition to achieve prosperous and sustainable development of the country and society, according to the socialist development model.

The Bill also proposes to guarantee the right to enjoy a healthy and balanced environment established in the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, which was approved in a popular referendum on February 24, 2019.

The population can send their comments on the bill to medioambiente@anpp.gob.c, according to the press release.