
Havana, Cuba.- The United States-imposed blockade of Cuba limits the acquisition of the supplies necessary for the education process in arts schools, according to a report from the cultural sector.

The latest report on the damage caused by the US blockade to Cuba notes that arts education suffers the most damages, a system that is free in the country.

The document adds that the main limitations surround the acquisition of the supplies necessary for the learning process, including musical instruments and accessories for ballet, dance and plastic arts.

The blockade also affects Cuba’s relations with other countries in terms of cultural exchange.

As a clear example, the report notes that agencies from Colombia, Peru and France refused to do business with Cuba’s Empresa de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales (Musical Recordings and Edition Company, EGREM), out of fear of not being able to undertake money transfers to Cuba to pay for its services.

Due to this decision, EGREM lost out on income of some 200,000 dollars, as one of the modalities of the US blockade consists of enforcing sanctions on institutions that undertake financial transactions with Cuba, including major banks.

Washington’s six-decade-long economic, commercial and financial blockade has caused serious damages to Cuba, which have been estimated at more than 922.63 billion dollars.

From April 2018 to March 2019, the US economic, financial and commercial blockade caused damages of 4.343 billion dollars.

Cuba, which will submit the draft resolution against the blockade for the twenty-eighth consecutive year to the United Nations General Assembly in November, is supported by the majority of the world’s countries.