
Havana, Cuba.- A dozen representatives of Spanish travel agencies toured the center and east of Cuba to know destinations so they can better promote tourism products of those regions.

As part of the trip the experts visited the provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Holguin and Camagüey, where they appreciated the attractions of those areas, highlights a report by Radio Cadena Agramonte.

The familiarization journey was arranged by tour operator Catai, one of the most important in Spain, and included representatives of travel agencies Camaleon Travel, Sapphire Tours Cieza and Mundo a Traves.

Maria Astencion Corredor, trade delegate of Catai in Madrid, praised the conservation of heritage buildings in the city of Camagüey, east of the island.

According to official data, some 167,000 Spanish tourists visited Cuba in 2018, making Spain rank ninth in the general list of countries which are Cuba’s best tourist makerts and fifth within the European region.

On May 6, Cuba scored a record of two million tourists in 2019, 12 days earlier than in 2018, announced Minister of Tourism Manuel Marrero.

Official reports show that in the first quarter the number of arrivals grew 7.2 percent, which slightly exceeds the planned goal to achieve the five million expected in these 12 months