
Havana, Cuba.- Prestigious Cuban singers and musicians joined their talents in a video clip to mark the 500th anniversary of the founding of this city, producers announced today.

In a press conference, the musician and director of the Surcaribe group, Ricardo Leyva, considered that the audiovisual had as its first objective to illustrate beautiful, romantic and nostalgic Havana, that which opens her arms to visitors.

Titled Forever Habana mía, the clip song is signed by Leyva and has the collaboration of artists such as Frank Fernández, Beatriz Márquez, Ulises Aquino, Isaac Delgado and Alexander Abreu, among others.

In addition, the video brings together various genres and styles of music, tinged with lyric and reggaeton, the latter through the incursion of the duo of Yomil and Dany.

Directed by young Asiel Babastro, the material offers a fresh look of the Cuban capital with breathtaking aerial views and runs through emblematic sites such as the Capitol, built in the first half of the last century.

The presentation was attended by the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in Havana, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, and the Cuban Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso, among other authorities.

On November 16, Havana will celebrate its 500th anniversary in memory of that day of 1519, when the Spanish conqueror Diego Velázquez established his third and definitive settlement.