Henry Ramos Allup.

The Venezuelan opposition, like Henry Ramos Allup, plays to repeat the history of 2005.

CARACAS, Venezuela.-The opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable makes a big political mistake by refusing to participate in the constituent process President Nicolas Maduro called to, Pablo Alvarado, leader of Patria para Todos (Homeland for All) party.

Alvarado also considered that urging violent acts sponsored by the opposition is another serious mistake, because in what country you have seen a mayor marching with hooded people, as Ramon Boy, mayor of Chacao, did.

In an interview with Globovision Channel the Venezuelan politician said some opposition people like Henry Ramos Allup play to repeat the history of 2005 when they did not participate in the legislative elections.

The political leader emphasized the call to a Constituent National Assembly is legitimate and impeccable, a democratic exercise of dedication to the Venezuelan people, the original power to make or extend the current Constitution of the country.