Elian Gonzalez denounced Imperialism on behalf of Cuba.

Elian Gonzalez denounced Imperialism on behalf of Cuba.

SOCHI, Russia. – Forceful testimonies were exposed before the Anti-imperialist Court, an important space for denouncing that hegemonic power at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students in the Russian city of Sochi.

On behalf of the Cuban people, Elian Gonzalez came to the tribunal, where he explained, visibly excited, how as a child he suffered the consequences of the genocidal policies of the United States that caused the loss of his mother and almost that of his own life.

Elian denounced the terrorist acts, the American blockade, the Cuban Adjustment Law, the subversive actions, and many other and varied aggressions against the Cuban people.

The young man asked to condemn American imperialism for all the human and economic damage caused. Any other failure, he said, will be unfair and sentenced, May History condemn them, because we are already acquitted by History.