Diaz-Canel ratifies Fidel's legacy for peasants.

The Revolution gave land to peasants.

HAVANA, Cuba.- Sixty years ago with the Agrarian Reform Act Cuba changed forever. When signing it in La Plata Fidel said, our homeland regains the lost land. Its continuators say today, it will never lose it again, the Cuban President wrote on Twitter.

On May 17, 1959, in the heart of the Sierra Maestra, Fidel ended the ignominy suffered by peasants and signed in La Plata the Agrarian Reform Act, which gave way to sovereignty in the countryside.

Thus, the abuse peasants suffered with their families ended, as happened to Niceto Perez, to whom Cuba pays tribute this Friday on the 63rd anniversary of his assassination.

Faced with the imperialist threat of wresting the conquests of the Revolution, the peasants ratify their commitment to fulfill Fidel’s legacy and to defend the Revolution in the face of attempts to destroy it.