Provincial Assembly of People´s Power in Granma

Foto: TV Granma.

BAYAMO, Granma.- With a minute of silence the Provincial Assembly of People´s Power in Granma, in its second regular session of the new mandate, paid homage to Cubans and foreigners who died on May 18 in the plane crash in Havana.

The President of that governing body, Manuel Sobrino, highlighted the pain of the people who accompany the relatives of the victims of the sinister, the cause of the hard blow and great loss for Cuba.

Sobrino highlighted the solidarity showed by the Cubans, from the moment the media reported the accident of the plane where citizens of other countries also traveled, and pointed out that there were eight people from Granma who lost their lives.

In that Eastern province, as in all Cuba, the attention to the families of the victims are constant, and the dedication of the professionals who in only eight days identified all the deceased.