M.Sc. Dr. Alberto Quirantes
Master of Science and Consulting Professor
Head of the Endocrinology Service
Teaching Hospital Dr. Salvador Allende
Havana Cuba

Excess cholesterol can affect our health. When high cholesterol levels are found, there is a higher risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases …

In the medium and long term, high levels of blood cholesterol, that is, when they are above normal values, are harmful to human health. But cholesterol is a fundamental fat for our body and is present in almost our entire body, while behaving well is not bad for health. It plays a fundamental role for our cells, in the manufacture of sex hormones and the so-called corticosteroids, and vitamin D.

When high cholesterol levels are found, there is a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in our country; increase the chances of suffering heart attacks or strokes, or suffer from angina due to insufficient blood supply in any part of the heart, especially in the face of straining or stress.

Excessive body weight, due to inadequate diets and sedentary lifestyle, are a determining factor in cases of hypercholesterolemia. There are other factors capable of influencing the increase in cholesterol, such as certain addictions, liver, endocrine and renal diseases or the administration of certain medications, without forgetting the genetic or inherited predisposition to this worrisome disease.
In the treatment of this disease, a change in lifestyle based on healthy eating, elimination of alcohol intake, quitting smoking, avoiding excessive weight and stress, and performing physical exercise in

a systematic manner is essential. They are necessary weapons for this combat, without losing
track of how in some cases the use of certain drugs is required.

Food, as considered in the so-called Mediterranean diet, should be based on foods such as fruits and vegetables; whole grains like bread; pasta and rice; legumes, at least three servings a week; fish, preferably blue like sardines, horse mackerel or tuna, present in three or four servings per week; dried fruits such as peanuts, sesame or walnuts and almonds, and olive oil, preferably extra virgin.

These foods provide nutrients that can help reduce blood levels of the “bad” cholesterol known as LDL-cholesterol and increase the so-called “good” cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol. Among other things, they provide monounsaturated fatty acids as in extra virgin olive oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 in fish or antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables.

At the same time those foods should be avoided where in their own composition they include abundant fat that is harmful to the heart. For example, whole milk products should be replaced by non-fatty products; butter or margarine for vegetable oils such as olive oil; and fatty meats for low-fat meats, such as rabbit or skinless chicken. As for junk food, it should be avoided at all costs.

Up to four egg yolks per week are allowed, depending on the degree of hypercholesterolemia, and never more than one yolk per day.

The eating pattern to lower cholesterol, at the same time help you lose weight. Achieving or maintaining the ideal weight is essential to control blood cholesterol levels.

There are certain foods that contribute greatly to the amount of “bad” cholestero in our body , as is the case of trans fats or foods rich in saturated fats such as red meat, sausages, butter or cream; or coconut or palm oils, an integral part of ice cream.

To reduce and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, low-fat cooking methods such as baking, grilling, microwaving, roasting or steaming are advisable. They are also participatory cooking methods to reach or maintain a body weight within healthy limits.

Physical exercise is very good at lowering “bad” cholesterol and raising “good” cholesterol. It must be aerobic, low or medium intensity, but of a certain duration. It is advisable to practice it every day for at least 40 minutes.
Must control the anxiety and chronic stress of everyday life and eliminate all toxic addictions. Cholesterol levels are kept at normal levels, carefully observing healthy lifestyles, guarantee of good health and happy life.


Juices to lower levels of bad cholesterol
Cabbage and garlic juice
Both cabbage and garlic offer multiple benefits. This juice helps eliminate the excess of cholesterol that can affect our health.
– ½ medium cabbage
– 3 or 4 cloves of garlic
– ½ cup of water (120 milliliters)

– Crush and chop the garlic and then introduce them into the blender together with the cabbage, previously washed and chopped, adding ½ cup of water to facilitate the liquefaction.
– Beat all the ingredients, store in the refrigerator and consume a cup of this juice daily, observing all other measures against this disease.

Carrot juice, parsley and spinach
The green juices are the most recommended to avoid cholesterol problems. This juice will help control the excess of cholesterol.
– 4 medium carrots
– 3 branches of parsley.
– 8 or 10 leaves of spinach- 1 liter of water

– Put all the ingredients in a blender and take a cup of the mixture in fasting and after each meal for 15 days in a row, observing all the other measures against this disease.


Chop Suey of vegetables
The secret of a good recipe of a chop suey of vegetables is that they all acquire a similar texture, and not that some of them are overcooked and others do not get well-done .
– ½ pound of Chinese beans
– 1 green pepper
– 2 medium carrots
– 2 medium onions- ½ pound of pumpkin
– 50 grams of peas
– 2 cloves of garlic- ½ teaspoons of ginger
– 2 or 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
– 100 milliliters of vegetable broth

– First wash and cut all the ingredients.
– Onions are chopped in quarters and every quarter in half.
– Grate the carrots
– The boiled pumpkin is cut into a slices, the green pepper in strips and the garlic are crushed and chopped.
– Use canola, sesame or olive oil, preferably extra virgin.
– In a pan with a little oil add the garlic, ginger and onion.
– Sauté for about 30 seconds and add the pumpkin, carrot and green pepper.
– Sauté for about 2 minutes.
– Then add the Chinese beans and peas.
– Add the soy sauce and the vegetable broth and let it cook for about 4 minutes.

Afterwards it is served from the frying pan and its decoration is that of the ingredients, with its different textures and colors. For this reason it is advisable to add vegetables with different colors.

Spicy bananas and mango
This exotic recipe is original from India. It provides a very interesting fresh and bittersweet touch.

– 500 grams of cooked chickpeas- slices of a medium mango
– 200 grams (½ pound) of ripe tomatoes
– Canola, sesame or olive oil, preferably extra virgin
– 1 onion
– 2 cloves of garlic
– ½ teaspoon of ginger powder or grated
– 1 tablespoon of chopped cilantro
– ½ teaspoon of cumin powder
– 1 teaspoon of curry
– Pinch of salt, optional

– Pour the oil in a pan and brown the onion and garlic .Add the ginger and stir.
– Then add the chopped tomato.
– Stir a couple of minutes and add the chickpeas, the rest of the spices and the chopped mango.
– Leave to cook for 10 minutes without stirring a lot.
– You can add a little of the cooking water of the chickpeas if necessary.
– Before serving the chickpeas with mango and spices, sprinkle a little freshly chopped cilantro.
The aroma and freshness that this dish provides makes it unforgettable.

Fish soup with ingredients ” all healthy”
– 200 grams (½ pound) of the fish of your choice, cut into slices
– 200 grams of chopped leeks
– 2 onions of chopped onions
– 2 or 3 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped
– 200 grams (½ of pound) of ripe tomato, cut into chunks
– 100 grams (¼ pound) of carrot cut into slices
– Parsley chopped to taste
– 1 tablespoon of olive oil, preferably extra virgin
– Condiments to taste.


– Firstly, the fish slices should be well cleaned ; boil them, remove the flesh and cut them into chunks .
– After this, place a tablespoon of olive oil in a pot or casserole and add all vegetables .
– Cook the vegetables “al dente” and add the fish flesh with a little water.
– Add salt and pepper to taste and boil for half an hour.
– Remove the fish from the fire and once cold, crumble/ shred it .
– Add to the broth with the vegetables, the shredded fish and serve it.
This soup, along with the properties of fish, provides those of vegetables, also a recommended food to raise the “good” cholesterol and reduce the “bad” cholesterol.

– 1st. lunch: 1 cup of vegetable soup with 1 teaspoon of wheat or oat bran, 1 medium plate of lettuce salad, tomato and shredded boiled chicken, 1 cup of mixed fruit salad.
– 2nd lunch: 1 cup of vegetable soup varied, 1 slice of grilled fish with grilled vegetables,
1 cup of mixed fruit salads.
– 3rd. lunch: 1 cup of mixed vegetable soup, 1 large serving of tomato salad, grated carrot, spinach, broccoli and a hard-boiled egg, 1 cup of mixed fruit salad.

These are examples of good nutritious lunches, rich in fiber and low in fat, they give health and save money, because they avoid having to buy unhealthy street foods.

Taken from:
http: //www.cubahora.cu/blogs/consultas-medicas/como-reducir-el-colesterol-elevado-y -recipes-healthy-for-your-control

More than 300 healthy recipes to reduce also cholesterol can be found in digital books (eBook) TASTY AND HEALTHY RECIPES WITH TROPICAL FRUITS, very well received all over the world. It contains more than 200 recipes with tropical fruits. If you want to find it, visit the following link:
http: //www.libreriavirtualcuba.com/productos.php? Product = 279

The book EAT, BUT WITHOUT SALT, is also offered in the same way. Great acceptance as the previous one. It contains more than 100 varied recipes of foods without salt. You can find it in the link:

http: //www.libreriavirtualcuba.com/productos.php? Product = 16


These digital books can be acquired personally in CITMATEL, carrying a flash memory: 47th Avenue between 18 th and 20 th, Miramar, Playa, at the end of the Cira García Clinic, on the road that goes along the banks of the Almendares River. Telephones: 7204 3600 – 7206 9300 Mail: comercial@citmatel.cu
The two at very affordable prices as they were made without profit motive, only to favor the health of the people.

Translation by: Prof. Luis Pérez
Professor of the Department of English
Dr. Salvador Allende School of Medicine
Havana – Cuba